Healthy Monday’s – Crafty Mixtress with a Side of RN

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Healthy Monday’s

Good Morning!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Monday’s are a day for new beginnings. It’s a day you can use as a reset button.  There’s even a public health campaign, The Monday Campaigns, that is dedicated to making healthy choices on Monday. One of their biggest Monday Campaigns is Meatless Monday. I usually post about that on Monday's, but today, I’m going to talk about what you can do to look forward to Monday’s vs. dreading Monday’s. 

1.  Do your prep work on Sunday. For me that means, putting all of my medicine in a pill container. I’m not very consistent with it, but a few months ago, I had an issue at work, and my coworkers were frantically searching through my big ziplock bag of medicine for my inhaler. Scary for them and me, so I’m turning over a new leaf and putting everything together on Sunday’s. 

2. Shake off the problems of last week and go on with a new attitude. Even if the same person or same issue is still a problem, I try to think positively, and say “Today is a new day.”, just like I tell my patients.

3. Those are a few of my tips, but this article gives some great tips to start your Monday off right. 

I hope you have a fantastic week!


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